Nine times out ten, only one of the partners in a marriage wants a divorce, and it's the same one every time: the stubborn spouse.
Give this sizzling hot book to everyone you know who wants a divorce. Each chapter convincingly dismantles one of their reasons for leaving.
Bestselling author Dr. Stephen Schwambach pours a lifetime of counseling and pastoring stubborn people into short, powerful chapters that have literally changed the minds of some of the most stubborn spouses on earth.
One word of caution - the talk inside this book is truly tough. It's so honest that at times it actually hurts to read it. But don't let that stop you! It could be the key that unlocks the padlocked door you thought was forever shut.
If you are the stubborn spouse, you owe yourself one last hard look at your marriage. To find out why, go straight to the introduction of this book.